20th Mar 2020


Pregnancy Month by Month: 1 Month Pregnant

You might have noticed some unusual changes and started to wonder: Could I be... pregnant!?

Or you might not observe any early signs of pregnancy except that your period is late. Either way, you can take a home pregnancy test that will confirm your pregnancy, and then visit your doctor for a medical checkup and to schedule the rest of your prenatal appointments.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms at One Month Pregnant

Early signs of pregnancy at 1 month pregnant aren’t necessarily the most noticeable; however, they can include:

  • Mood changes
  • Bloating
  • Cramps
  • Lower backache
  • Spotting
  • Frequent urination
  • Sore or tender breasts
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Food cravings and aversions
  • Missed period

Keep in mind that at 1 month pregnant, you may not experience most or any of these changes or conditions. Instead, you might first suspect you could be pregnant when you notice your period is late, and then that you’ve missed your period altogether.

One Month Pregnant: Changes Inside and Out

Embryonic Development: After conception, the fertilized egg will travel from the fallopian tube to the womb and will implant in the uterus lining. The egg divides into a bunch of cells, becoming an embryo. At about week eight, the embryo has developed a tiny spine and limbs, and has started to grow the brain, eyes, and ears.

Changes to Your Body: When you find out you're pregnant, you might react in different ways than you expected. Your feelings might even change from one moment to the next. These emotional shifts, caused in part by pregnancy hormones, are totally normal. Allow yourself the time to rest and process your feelings. Aside from the early pregnancy symptoms described above, you might not notice too many other physical changes.

What Are the Pregnancy Months?

Pregnancies last nine months, right? Well, kind of. Pregnancies are typically about 40 weeks (almost 10 months) long, starting from the first day of your last menstrual period. But it’s not unusual for babies to arrive a few weeks early or late, and the ‘months’ are a bit longer than four weeks. Also, sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint the exact date of conception. So, with all these variables, ‘nine months’ is just a rough guide.

That’s why pregnancies are usually measured in weeks rather than months, and why you’ll hear references to ‘week 12’ or ‘week 32’, for example. You’ll also notice references to the ‘pregnancy trimesters’. The three pregnancy trimesters are:

First trimester (weeks 1-13): During first trimester of pregnancy, you are getting used to the idea of being pregnant and handling early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and exhaustion which are most common during this time. Know more about pregnancy symptoms & baby growth during first trimester of pregnancy here.

Second trimester (weeks 14-27): The second trimester of pregnancy is the most enjoyable and comfortable phase of pregnancy. The discomforts of first trimester ease up a bit. The little one grows from being the size of nectarine to that of a cauliflower and this growth spurt is visible as your belly grows and more tangible as you start to feel the movement of your baby during this phase. Know more about second trimester of pregnancy, its symptoms, baby development and tips.

Third trimester (weeks 28-42): The third trimester of pregnancy is the most exciting and suspenseful phase- the best part of which is taking your baby home. Take your time planning for birth and what comes afterward and enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy. Know more about third trimester of pregnancy, its symptoms, baby growth & expert tips.

So, how do you determine how many months pregnant you are? There are different ways of calculating this, but often you are considered 1 month pregnant in about weeks five to eight of pregnancy — these are the weeks that follow your first missed period. Remember, though, you will have conceived some weeks before what’s referred to as this first month.

Due date calculator: In 1st month of pregnancy, you’ll be eager to know when to expect your newborn, and the Pampers Due Date Calculator is a handy tool to give you an estimate. If you have irregular periods or you can’t remember the date of the first day of your last menstrual period, your healthcare provider can make an assessment of how far along you are in your pregnancy.

First Month of Pregnancy Quick List

Find out if you’re pregnant: You can find out you’re pregnant by taking a home pregnancy test. These tests are usually more accurate when taken a few days or even a week after the first day of your missed period.

Get a doctor’s check up: Head to your doctor, who’ll be able to confirm your pregnancy via tests, including measuring your levels of the hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Your doctor will also be able to give you guidance on the appointments you’ll need to keep over the next nine months (or so). Also, try exploring our pregnancy calendar for pregnancy, post-pregnancy & baby care tips

Pregnancy nutrition: Speak to your doctor about healthy pregnancy nutrition, and what pregnancy vitamins or supplements might be right for you.

Refocus on your health: Try to quit unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking, and try to reduce stress.

Check in with your feelings: This is an emotional time, and you might be feeling all kinds of physical symptoms and pregnancy emotions. Rest up, and speak to loved ones about how you are feeling.

5th Month Of Pregnancy - What To Expect

Each pregnant woman’s body changes in different ways at different times throughout a pregnancy. Still, your baby bump will likely be pretty visible by the time you’re 5 months pregnant, so this month, you’ll be adjusting to the physical changes as well as getting used to receiving unsolicited pregnancy advice from anyone and everyone.

5 Months Pregnant: Common Symptoms

It's likely that you'll still have that second trimester energy boost, and many women say this is the most enjoyable phase of pregnancy. But it's also possible that you'll face some pesky 5th month pregnancy symptoms, such as:

  • Itchy skin
  • Stretch marks
  • Varicose veins
  • Spider veins
  • Nasal problems
  • Dizziness
  • Leg cramps

Keep in mind that these pregnancy symptoms are normal, and you may only experience some of them throughout this month.

Five Months Pregnant - Baby Development & Body Changes

Your Baby’s Development: At 5 months pregnant, your baby is putting on weight, and she now has eyebrows and hair already. She might even start hiccupping, and you’ll feel some jerking movement. Feeling movement signals a healthy baby, so, although these movements might be annoying at times (especially at night while you’re trying to sleep), they’re definitely a good sign.

Changes to Your Body: There are many positives during 5th month of pregnancy, such as continuing to enjoy that energy boost. Many pregnant women will also experience a pregnancy ‘glow’ and will look more radiant. Your belly continues to grow (triggering some of the pregnancy symptoms mentioned above), but it may not be so big yet that you can’t get around with relative ease. As your tummy grows, you might notice that your belly button pokes out. You might also notice some changes in the texture and growth of your nails.

Adjusting to Your Pregnancy Body

You’re doing an important job by providing a safe home for your growing baby, but this doesn’t mean you’ll always feel fully comfortable with your new shape. During the second trimester of pregnancy, enjoy getting some comfortable and flattering maternity clothes, either at local stores or online. Also, try exploring our pregnancy calendar that will guide you through your pregnancy & baby care journey

You may wonder how to respond when you get advice, questions, and comments about your pregnancy from strangers and loved ones alike. One good strategy is to thank them, letting them know you’ll think about what they've said, and leave it at that.

You may have already chosen to share your news with your boss and others at your workplace and begun maternity leave plans. At 5 months pregnant, it’s worth starting to plan how you will hand over your responsibilities to your colleagues so that you’re not leaving big, stressful jobs until the third trimester of pregnancy.

Fifth Month of Pregnancy Quick List

Sign up for prenatal classes: Many prenatal classes will start in the next month or two, so sign up to get as much support and information as you can. Explore complete guide on prenatal classes that will help you understand differences courses & its offerings

Talk to your baby: At 5 months pregnant, your baby is learning to recognise your voice and can hear better than before. Make a habit of talking, singing, or reading to your baby every day.

Know the signs of premature labour: Now is the time to keep an eye out for the signs of premature labour. Explore all the signs & symptoms here. Contact your doctor if you think it is getting serious

Use that energy boost: That second trimester surge in energy provides an opportunity to exercise, travel, prepare your home for your baby, and tie up any other loose ends. Also, try exploring second trimester symptoms & tips to ensure the well-being of mother & baby

Eat well: Your baby is growing rapidly at this point, and you might feel extra hungry. This is not the time to hold back on eating; instead, continue to eat a variety of healthy, nutritious foods.

Get comfortable: Explore comfortable ways to sleep, choose more comfortable shoes (especially if you’re experiencing swollen feet), find maternity wear that gives your growing body plenty of room to move and breathe, and choose maternity bras that support the changing shape of your growing breasts.

8th Month Of Pregnancy - Signs Of Labor, Pregnancy Symptoms & Tips

It’s been a long road, but you still have a lot to look forward to at 8 months pregnant. By the end of 37 weeks your baby is very nearly full term.

Remember, while your due date will fall around 40th week of pregnancy, only 1 in 20 women give birth on their exact due date, you may give birth somewhere between 38 and 42 weeks. That means that toward the end of the 8th month of pregnancy you can start to expect to go into labor at any time.

Of course, although you could go into labour this month, you could still be several weeks away from giving birth, so take the time this month to get ready.

Watch For Signs Of Labor

Preparing for labor, and watching for the signs of labor, is key at this point in 8th month of pregnancy. You know you’re in actual labor (as opposed to having practice contractions, known as Braxton Hicks contractions) when the contractions are regular and occurring at increasingly short intervals. When going into labor, you might also feel lower-back pain, cramps, or pelvic pressure. Your water might break, and you might see a blood-tinged discharge. Explore other signs of labor that you may experience.

Don’t panic when you notice these signs of labor. Contact your doctor, who will be able to advise how long you should wait at home and when to head to the hospital. Also, try exploring

8 Months Pregnant: Common Symptoms

At 8 months pregnant, you may experience some pregnancy symptoms, but take heart because you’re nearly there. This month, typical pregnancy symptoms might include:

  • Braxton Hicks contractions
  • Heartburn
  • General discomfort due to the size of your tummy
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Frequent urination
  • Anxiety
  • Itchy skin
  • Weight gain

Some pregnant women experience these symptoms through third trimester. Explore other third trimester symptoms & remedies to ensure the well-being of mother & baby in the last stretch of pregnancy

Eight Months Pregnant: Changes Inside and Out

Your Baby’s Development: At 8 months pregnant, your baby will have ‘dropped’ by now (moving down toward your pelvis) and will still be growing, albeit at a slower rate. It’s getting very tight in there now, so don’t be surprised if you feel less movement.

Changes to Your Body: Aside from physical changes, you might also be feeling quite emotional. The size of your tummy will be a reason for many people to offer advice, and you might be feeling overwhelmed, anxious, annoyed, or nervous. You might also be feeling a little impatient, but know that your baby is getting ready to meet you and just needs a little more time. Settle into these feelings and remember that this is an emotional time that you will get through — you can do this.

Eighth Month of Pregnancy Quick List

Finalise the birthing plan: You might have been working on your birthing plan; make sure you have copies printed out for your medical team.

Get your hospital bag packed and ready by the door: Get your hospital bag packed. Your hospital bag should include all the items you and your husband will need during labor and delivery and during your hospital stay. It should also include the clothes and other items your baby will need at the hospital and on the way home. This hospital bag checklist will help you prepare everything you will need for yourself and your baby

Your hospital bag should include all the items you and your husband will need during labour and delivery and during your hospital stay. It should also include the clothes and other items your baby will need at the hospital and on the way home.

Do a hospital drill: Plan how you will get to hospital when the time comes. Make sure you have a few routes planned out, just in case your baby decides to come during peak-hour traffic. If your hospital allows it, familiarise yourself with the maternity ward so that you know where to go once you get to the hospital. Have the numbers of the people in your birthing team and the address of the hospital on your phone and on the fridge, so you’re not scrambling for these details at the last minute. Also, try exploring our pregnancy calendar for pregnancy, post-pregnancy & baby care tips

Make any final finishing touches: Take this time to rest, and put any finishing touches on your nursery and babyproofing efforts. Feeling relaxed is important, so don’t pack your schedule too tight, and try to enjoy this time.

Take some healthy steps: There are some little steps you can take such as doing Kegel exercises and breathing exercises, practicing good posture, and keeping hydrated to feel a little more comfortable during the 8th month of pregnancy.

9th Month Of Pregnancy - All You Need To Do

Yes! You’re in your last month of pregnancy, and your baby could arrive at any time. Most women give birth between weeks 38 and 42, but very few babies arrive exactly on their due date.

Nine Months Pregnant: Common Symptoms

In the final month of your pregnancy, some of the normal pregnancy symptoms you might experience include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Mucus plug being expelled
  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • Backache
  • Itchy skin
  • Pelvic pressure
  • Lightening’ — your baby drops lower, which makes it easier to breathe

Some of these symptoms are common across third trimester. Explore other third trimester symptoms & remedies to ensure the well-being of mother & baby in the last stretch of pregnancy

9 Months Pregnant: Baby Development & Body Changes

Your Baby’s Development: At 9 Months pregnant, your baby will drop lower into your pelvis as she gets ready to be born. She’ll gain weight until she’s born, mostly accumulating fat around the elbows, knees, and shoulders.

By the 9th month of pregnancy, your baby should be positioned with her head down. If she’s in a breech position with her feet or bottom down, your doctor may attempt to turn her around or you could be offered a caesarean birth.

Changes to Your Body: At 9 months pregnant, you’ll be feeling big, tired, and impatient — you might even feel fidgety sitting or lying down because nothing feels comfortable. Some mums-to-be also experience a surge in energy, as your body prepares for the birth.

One positive is that as your baby drops lower in your pelvis, this will take some pressure off your lungs, making it a little easier to breathe (though urgency to urinate may increase).

If you’re feeling cramps or contractions at this late stage, remember that there’s a difference between practice contractions and actual contractions, so jot down the intervals between contractions. If you think you might be in labor, call your doctor and report your symptoms. Learn all the signs and symptoms of labor to avoid last minute confusion here.

If your baby is not born by 40 weeks, your doctors will monitor you and your baby even more closely in 41 and 42 weeks. You and your birthing team might discuss whether and when to induce labour. If your baby is not born by the end of 42 weeks, you will likely be offered an induction to reduce any potential risks.

Ninth Month of Pregnancy Quick List

Organise any child care: You might need child care after bringing your newborn home. This could mean a short-term arrangement for your older children, if you have them, or long-term childcare plans for when your newborn is a little older.

Final preparations: At 9 months pregnant, you might also experience pregnancy ‘nesting’ — an urge to get your home ready for your baby and for parenthood. Use the remaining days or weeks of your pregnancy to take care of any last minute preparations, and have your home as ready as you’d like it to be. Channel these short bursts of energy, whether it’s cooking lots of extra meals and freezing them, cleaning, or stocking up on all of your nursery supplies (like diapers). Also, try exploring our pregnancy calendar for pregnancy, post-pregnancy & baby care tips

Plan hospital visits and the birth announcement: Think about who you want to come see you at the hospital, and how you will handle offers for help and visits. After the birth, you’ll have a lot on your plate, so now’s a good time to decide how you will make the announcement of the birth to friends and family.

Find the right baby name: If you’re struggling to find the perfect baby name or you’re having a late change of heart about the name you thought you were set on, try the Pampers Baby Name Generator to find a baby name that’s just right.

Get some sleep: Put down your to-do lists, and get as much sleep as you can. Don’t just rest, though — indulge yourself, too. This could be your last chance for a little me-time, so get a pampering pedicure, have a foot massage, watch a movie, and spend some peaceful one-on-one time with your husband and loved ones. Enjoy these last few ‘baby-free’ days.

The Ultimate Maternity Hospital Bag Checklist

Are you all set for the big day? Your baby might arrive earlier than expected, so it’s worth having your hospital bag packed for you, your birth partner and the baby during the third trimester – at about week 38 − just in case.

This checklist will help you pack your pregnancy hospital bag so you’ll be sure to have everything you need for yourself, your new baby, and your birth partner. If you have a minute, check what your hospital has on hand or provides so you won't need to take those items. Then, once your maternity bag is packed, keep it handy, either in the car or by the door, so you'll be ready to go at a moment's notice.

Hospital Bag for Mum: Labour and Delivery

Hospital file, ID and insurance papers. Have your medical records handy, so that your doctors can easily see your medical history. Your hospital may require some form of ID, any medical cards, and insurance documents up front, so make sure you have a copy of these readily available.

Birth plan (if you have one). You might have discussed your birth plan with your medical team, but having a few copies printed and available for doctors and nurses means that everyone can refer to it, in case last-minute questions arise.

Dressing gown. A soft dressing gown is useful for pacing around during labour, or afterward, if you spend some time in the hospital.

Socks. Many mums pop on some warm socks if their feet get cold during labour.

Slippers or flip-flops. You’ll want slippers that are comfortable and easy to slip in and out of to wear as you walk around the hospital ward. Pack some flip-flops for using in the shower.

Lip balm. Your lips can get chapped during labour. Having some lip balm on hand will help hydrate your lips.

Body lotion or massage oil. Some mums-to-be find a little massage during labour relaxing. If this could be you, pop some lotion or oil in your hospital bag.

Water spray and sponge. During labour you may feel you’re getting a little hot. It could help to spray some water on your face and neck, or to sponge some cool water on your forehead.

Comfortable pillow(s). Your hospital will provide you with pillows, but they might not be the right kind for you. If you have a favourite pillow, then it can’t hurt to take it along as well.

Relaxing pass-times. Pack some things to help you pass the time like a book, magazines, a tablet with movies or series downloaded on it, or a music player.

Eye mask and earplugs. To help you get rest in a busy and bright maternity ward, an eye mask or earplugs could be just what you need during the downtimes of labour, or for your well-deserved rest following the delivery.

Hospital Bag for Mum: After Delivery

Nightdresses. You’ll need something comfortable to sleep in during your hospital stay. Pack at least one soft nightdress. Choose a front-opening one if you plan to breastfeed.

Heavy-duty maternity pads. Although the hospital may provide some, pack plenty of heavy-duty maternity-pads, just in case. It’s normal to bleed a lot after the birth, and maternity pads are softer and more absorbent than standard ones. Initially you may need to change pads every one to two hours, but within a few days the flow will start to decrease.

Underwear. Pack several pairs of comfortable underwear that you won’t mind getting messy, and that are large enough for those maternity pads.

Bras. Be prepared with a few nursing bras or any other comfortable, well-fitting bras.

Toiletries. Don’t forget towels, tissues, hairbrush, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, hairdryer, hair clips, and hair ties. Pack a plastic bag to pop dirty clothes in.

Cosmetics and skin care products. If makeup is part of your usual routine, then don’t forget your cosmetics. Plus, make sure you pack some moisturisers as your skin may feel drier than usual.

Glasses and contact lenses (if you need them). It may seem obvious but sometimes it’s these little things that can escape your attention when packing your hospital bag. Don’t forget contact lens solution if you use contacts.

Phone and charger. Unless you opt for a little digital detox during this special time, don’t forget your phone and charger. That way you can stay in touch with loved ones, you can use it to take those first few pictures, and post your special news on social media.

Clothes. Apart from your nightdress, you might choose to take some comfortable clothes to wear during your stay in hospital. Pack an extra outfit to wear home. Choose something loose-fitting, with a drawstring or an elastic waist.

Handouts and reference books. You might have received some handy notes from your prenatal classes or have some reference books about newborns baby care. While the doctors and nurses will be able to give you lots of personalised guidance, you might find these resources more useful once you actually have your newborn baby in your arms.

Soothing products for vagina and tummy. You should always follow the advice of your medical team, but you might consider packing an ice pack for your vagina (if you’re having a vaginal birth); haemorrhoid cream (again, for potential use after a vaginal birth); a peri bottle which you can use to squeeze warm water over your perineum, vaginal opening and anus instead of wiping when you go to the toilet which can get uncomfortable after a vaginal birth; a belly wrap (these can be good after both vaginal and Caesarean births); Epsom salts (if your hospital has bath facilities available); and ointments that can help reduce vaginal swelling and bruising. After a Caesarean section medical staff will treat the wound during your stay, and will advise you how to take care of it going forward.

Snacks and drinks. Labour can sometimes be very long, so you could consider packing some snacks and drinks. However, speak to your medical team about whether or not you will be allowed to eat or drink anything during labour. Also, consider packing some of your favourite snacks for after the labour as you may feel like some comfort food during your hospital stay.

Hospital Bag Essentials for Your Birth Partner

As a birth partner, you might also want to pack some things for your time supporting mum in the hospital:

Snacks and water. Labour can be thirsty work for supportive partners. Pack some snacks and water, as well as change for the hospital vending machines.

Phone, camera and/or video camera, plus chargers and batteries. Your partner will also want a phone to stay in contact with loved ones, and for some entertainment during downtimes. The camera is needed to take some snaps. (Make sure the camera’s memory card has plenty of room on it.

Clothes. Labour is an unpredictable process, a change of clothes is always a good idea, as you never know how long the stay will be.

Toiletries and towel. After a long labour, even your partner may need to freshen up in the shower. Most hospitals are fine with this, but you could confirm this beforehand.

Spare glasses or spare contact lenses. It might be a long day, so having spares of these essentials could come in handy.

Small pillow. Believe it or not, your partner might also need a rest while assisting during a long labour.

Entertainment. Have something to do for when the going gets a little boring: books, a tablet, and a music player are all good options.

Hospital Bag for Baby

Bodysuits. Hospital policies can vary on what newborns can be dressed in so consult with your doctor in advance about what to pack. You may need to add to what the hospital provides in terms of accessories and layers. Remember, with bodysuits it’s a good idea to choose those that fasten up at the front.

Socks and booties. Newborns can get cold easily, and you may want to add to what the hospital provides in terms of accessories and layers. Even during skin-to-skin contact, your newborn can wear a hat and socks.

Blanket. While the hospital will likely provide blankets, a blanket of your own is always good to have on hand to use during skin-to-skin contact. It can also be used to keep your baby warm in the car seat on the way home.

Diapers. About 20 to 30 diapers made especially for newborns, like New Baby Diapers. Your newborn might get through 10-12 diapers each day, so start stocking up.

Wipes. Newborns’ skin is particularly sensitive, so it’s best to use only cotton wool balls and water or Pampers Baby Wipes in the first weeks.

Muslin squares. These can be draped on your shoulder or placed underneath the baby to prevent dribbles from getting on your clothes. You could also pack some bibs for this purpose too.

Going-home outfit. Consider the weather conditions: a bodysuit, booties and hat could be fine during the warmer months, but in winter pack mittens and a jacket or snow suit as well.

Car seat. This obviously isn’t for the hospital bag, but the right car seat should be installed in your car around the same time you pack your baby bag so it’s ready for the hospital.

What to Use as a Maternity Hospital Bag

Your maternity hospital bag should be about the size of a large gym bag. If you’re expecting twins or multiples you might need to take more than one bag. If you like, you could take separate bags with one for mum, one for the birth partner, and one filled with supplies for the baby, so that you can find everything a little more easily.

With this hospital bag list, you’ll have your maternity bag well stocked. Read up on the signs of labour, so that you know when it’s time to grab the bag and be on your way. Good luck!